Instagram Explore Page is a collection of content based on a user’s individual interests. Instagram Explore Page is a collection of content based on a user’s individual interests. It also allows users to discover new content by browsing the Explore Page and following interesting people based on their interests. The algorithm notices the things you spend the most time on while using Instagram, and based on this information, it applies a ranking algorithm to determine what to show you on the Explore Page. But sometimes the algorithm is not able to show interesting content and you want to reset it. Here are some tips to reset Instagram explore page.
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on how Instagram’s Explore feature is configured and how users interact with it. However, there are some things you can do to try to reset Instagram Explore. One way to try to reset Instagram Explore is to unfollow all of the accounts on your account. This will remove all of the posts from the Explore tab and may prompt Instagram to rebuild its Explore algorithm. If this didn’t help I have listed two methods to reset the Instagram explore page.
Reset Instagram Explore Page (Method 1)
1. Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android smartphone.
2. Tap on Magnifying Glass (Search icon).
3. Tap on any post that you don’t want to see anymore on the Instagram Explore Page.

4. Tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the post.
5. Tap on Not Interested.

How to Reset Instagram Explore Page (Method 2)
1. Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android smartphone.
2. Tap on the profile picture icon on the bottom right of the screen.
3. Tap on the Menu (three-line burger icon) in the upper right corner.
4. Tap on Settings.
5. Go to Security > Data and History > Search History.
6. On this, you will be able to see your recent searches.
7. Tap on Clear All.
8. Again confirm to Clear All your data.
Why is my Instagram explore page messed up?
It’s possible that your Instagram Explorer Page is messed up because you’ve been inactive on the app for a while. When you’re inactive, Instagram begins to fill your explore page with posts that it thinks you’ll be interested in. This can often lead to a messed up explore page, as the app will show you posts that you’ve already seen, posts from friends, and posts from pages that you’ve liked in the past.
If you want to fix your explore page, all you have to do is go on Instagram and like a few posts. This will tell the app that you’re still interested in seeing posts from other users, and it will rearrange your explore page accordingly.
Also Read: How to Fix Instagram Story Views Not Showing
Wrapping Up
This guide was simple and easy to follow the fixed Instagram explore page by following two different methods, you need to follow these methods on daily basis to train the Instagram algorithm as per your liking over time once the algorithm is familiar with your interest it will start showing you awesome content that you like.