Our Editorial Process to Deliver Trustworthy Information

At Gizmoxo, we are committed to providing accurate and valuable content through a strict editorial process.


Below are the steps we follow to ensure our content meets the highest standards:

Written & Fact Checked Only By Expert Authors

At Gizmoxo, all the articles are written and thoroughly fact-checked for accuracy by vetted Tech Experts, ensuring that the content provided is reliable and trustworthy.

Fact Validation from Trusted and Verified Sources

We thoroughly verify and cross-check every fact from trusted sources to ensure our information is reliable. We frequently link to authoritative resources, allowing you to access additional information if needed.

Regular Content Updates

The tech industry is constantly evolving, and we strive to keep our content up-to-date. For example, even TV menus undergo software updates from time to time. We update our articles as soon as we identify any changes related to the topics we cover.

Encouraging Feedback from You

We value your input and encourage you to send feedback to [email protected]. We use your suggestions to continually improve our content.

Additionally, we have a rating system below each post, where you can submit ratings. This feature generates cumulative ratings per post, displaying the average rating and the number of submitted ratings.

If you find a post less helpful, we appreciate your feedback to help us improve.

Incorporating Helpful Media When Necessary

We aim to enhance your experience by including images, infographics, and video embeds in our posts whenever relevant. This approach offers you visual references to support the text.

To learn more about Gizmoxo, check our About Us Section.