How to Get Rid of Gridlines in Google Sheets

If are new to Google Spreadsheet You will be amazed to see That Google has created an excellent product That is free to use and it will help you In making your life more productive. For some spreadsheet projects, you may require to get rid of gridlines in Google Sheets in this article you will learn how to do so.

How to Hide Gridlines in the Worksheet in Google Sheets

All these spreadsheet applications by default show gridlines It helps us separate the cells and rows. Gridlines are designed to improve workflow but, If you want to hide the gridlines in Google Sheets.

1. Open the Google Sheet spreadsheet in which you want to hide the gridlines.

2. Click on View > Show from the menu bar.

3. From the View menu, click on the Gridlines option to uncheck it.

How to Get Rid of Gridlines in Google Sheets

Once you have unchecked, all gridlines between cells across the spreadsheet will disappear from view. Keep in mind you will still see the blue border around the selected cells.

How to Hide Gridlines in Google Sheets When Printed

If you have followed the above steps, it will definitely hide gridlines in Google Sheets. But if you’re planning to print this spreadsheet the gridlines will be printed on the paper whether the cell is empty or not, if you want to hide gridlines in Google Sheets when printed follow the steps.

1. Open the Google Sheet spreadsheet in which you want to print without gridlines.

2. Click on File > Print or (Ctrl+P) to open the printer settings menu.

3. In this page click on Formatting to expand and uncheck the “Show Grid Lines” option.

4. Click on Next > Print.

How to Hide Gridlines in Google Sheets When Printed

This will remove any gridlines in Google Sheets when printed. Once printed only the values will be visible. If this article has helped you in any way please do share it with your friends and on social media.

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