If you want to stop the use of Incognito Mode in your Google Chrome web browser, you can disable the feature using this step by step guide.
Disable Incognito Mode in Windows
- Hold down the Windows Key and press “R” to bring up the Run box.
- Type “regedit“, then press “Enter“.
- Navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “SOFTWARE” > “Policies” > “Google” > “Chrome“.
Note: You may have to create the “Google” and “Chrome” folders. - Right-click “Chrome” and select “New” > “DWORD 32-bit value“
- Give the value a name of “
“. - Double-click on “
“. A box will appear where you can set the value data to “1“. - Restart the computer, and the option to select “Incognito Mode” in Google Chrome will be gone.
Disable Incognito Mode in MacOS
- From the Finder, select “Go” > “Utilities“.
- Open the “Terminal” application.
- Type the following, then press “Enter“:
defaults write com.google.chrome IncognitoModeAvailability -integer 1
- Restart your Mac. The Incognito Mode option will no longer be available
Disable Incognito Mode in Android
Unlike desktop computers or Laptops, there is no built-in way to disable Chrome’s Incognito mode for Android. There is, however, a third-party app you can install which does the same thing.

- Start the Google Play app on your phone.
- Search for “Disable Incognito Mode” and install the app when you see it.
- Launch the Disable Incognito Mode app.
- Tap Open Settings.
- In the settings screen, turn on DisableIncognitoMode.Tap Allow giving the app permission when requested.
- You can also return to the app and tap the Hide icon after Setting to make the app disappear from the phone’s app screen.
Disable Incognito Mode in iPhone
- Go to Settings > Screen Time.
- On the Screen Time page, tap Turn on Screen Time.
- After reading a summary of what the Screen Time feature can offer, tap Continue.
- If you’re setting up parental controls on your kid’s iPhone, tap This is My Child’s iPhone.
- If you want to, set the Downtime hours the phone can’t be used. On the next page, do the same for App Limits. Tap Continue on the Content & Privacy page.
- Create a passcode so only you can control these settings.
- Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions. Enter the passcode if you’re asked for it.
- Turn on Content & Privacy Restrictions by swiping the button to the right.
- Tap Content Restrictions.
- Tap Web Content. On the Web Content page, tap Limit Adult Websites.