5 Easy Ways to Make Your Phone Look Busy When Someone...
Sometimes, you might not want to answer a call, but you also don’t want to block the person. Maybe you're doing homework, playing a game, or just need some quiet time. The good news is that there are simple tricks to make your phone seem busy or unavailable! Here...

Default Raspbian Username and Password
Welcome to this brief tutorial on the default username and password for Raspbian (now called Raspberry Pi OS), the official operating system for Raspberry Pi devices.
When you first install Raspberry Pi OS on your device, whether via the desktop version or the lite version, you’ll need to log in...
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Phone Look Busy When Someone...
Sometimes, you might not want to answer a call, but you also don’t want to block the person. Maybe you're doing homework, playing a game, or just need some quiet time. The good news is that there are simple tricks to make your phone seem busy or unavailable! Here...